Monday, March 2, 2009

Ok, well, here we sit only 5 miles from Dayton Beach during motorcycle week. LOL The truckstops? Forget it! I went through one, and they had half the parking lot made into temporary motorcycle parking! Guess they really do not want trucks around.

The sun is out, I have the screens in all the windows, and nice breeze is blowing through the truck.

I would go take pics, but I am too far to walk to the beaches, and no rental cars are available, nothing. LOL

Guess I will just sit and relax.

There is a Waffle House next door to this empty lot that I managed to park in. Woohoo! :)


Anonymous said...

At least its warm. Wasting time in your vehicle when its cold outside is worse. Try to enjoy your day. Climb up on top of the truck and lay out to get some color. Have someone take pics if you do.

Just Vicky said...

Then photograph the famous TK and the waffle house! Will you get your steak tonight?

Anonymous said...

I am sure TK loves having you all to herself and just being lazy. Enjoy the warm weather and beautiful sunshine. It is only 18 degrees in Ohio.

ualady said...

Where are you parked?!? It looks like a dark alleyway and a bit unsafe at that.
